Anaggha Mukhopadhyay Image
Anaggha Mukhopadhyay
Career Services Consultant

HOW DID YOU GET  HERE? I have been in the career advising field before, and was looking for an opportunity where I could take my skills to a newer level. Upon viewing different positions, this opening clearly came across as the one that fit me best – in terms of my background, education, skills and professional goals.


WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT WORKING AT THE CCO? The flexibility of how we work. I have always respected the fact that every person is unique, and therefore would have his / her unique styles and preferences of operating. The CCO seems to support that.


WHAT IS THE MOST UNUSUAL JOB YOU EVER HAD? As a student, when I worked for a coffee chain as a store associate. I had a good boss and colleagues, who made that experience fun!


FAVORITE THINGS: Good food, of course :-) Very fond of music – anything melodious, regardless of genre. Enjoy practicing singing and performing. Also, TV shows, movies and books which involve a social theme, mystery, humor or spirituality.



“Life is mostly froth and bubble,

Two things stand like stone.

Kindness in another's trouble,

Courage in your own.” - Adam Lindsay Gordon


ADVICE FOR STUDENTS: Never give up on anything in life. Take the first step yourself in any endeavor.