Emily Shaw Image
Emily Shaw
Career Services Consultant

How did you get here? I worked at the CCO as a Peer Consultant when I was a student at Purdue, and it is one of the opportunities that helped spark an interest in working in higher ed. After completing grad school and working in roles in athletics and student success, I eventually found my way back to the CCO!


What do you like most about working at the CCO? The friendly and welcoming environment! Everyone at the CCO shares a common goal of helping Purdue students reach their career objectives, while enjoying getting to know and work with students on Purdue’s campus.


What is the most unusual job you have ever had? In middle school I was a referee for a youth soccer league


Favorite Things: Cincinnati Reds baseball, Purdue basketball, reading, brunch, playing tennis, coffee, thrift shopping, Arrested Development, and spending time with family and friends!


Quote you live by: “I’m pretty tired. I think I’ll go home now” – Forrest Gump (A good reminder to be mindful of self-care and to allow yourself to be okay with taking a break or rewarding yourself after reaching goals!)


Advice for students: Get involved at Purdue and try new things. Purdue has over 1,000 student organizations and they are a great way to learn new skills, explore your interests, and make friends. It is never too late to get involved at Purdue!