After the Interview


Follow-up after the interview by sending a thank you letter through email or mail within 24 hours. If you know your interviewer will be traveling over the next few days, email is the best way to ensure he/she will receive your thank you note in a timely manner. Otherwise, a handwritten or typed letter is a bit more formal and appropriate.


Paragraph 1

  • Express gratitude toward the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you.
  • Reiterate your interest in the position and organization.

Paragraph 2

  • Remind the interviewer of your qualifications for the position.

Paragraph 3 (optional)

  • Include anything you forgot to mention in the interview, or later realized would have been good to mention.
  • Follow up with any additional information requested in the interview.

Paragraph 4

  • Express thanks again and state that you look forward to being in touch soon.

NOTE: It is appropriate to follow-up with employers to “check on your status as a candidate and reiterate your interest” a few weeks after the interview or after the time the interviewer said you would be contacted.