Select an individual who is in a job that interests you. Use the following questions to help you learn more about the kind of work this individual performs on a daily basis. During the meeting, take notes over the responses to help you complete the reflection exercise.
Sample Questions:
- What is your job title and primary responsibilities?
What does a ‘typical day’ look like for you (work environment, required attire, normal hours, travel expectations, etc.)? - What is the most satisfying aspect of your job?
- What is the most challenging aspect of your job?
- What specific skills and/or qualifications (type of degree, licensure, certification, etc.) are required for someone in your position?
- What advice, including recommended courses and/or activities, would you give a beginning college student?
Now that you have conducted the interview, complete the following reflection activity:
- What is the name of the person you interviewed and what is their job title?
- What is the most interesting thing you learned about this career path from this interview?
- What do you like most about this career path?
- What do you like least about this career path?
- From the information you heard during the interview, is this career a good fit for you? Why or why not?
- What are your next steps?
Log into your New Student Tab on the myPurdue portal with your Purdue career account and password to record the responses you gathered during your interview and your reflection.
Want to Know More?
- Discuss the myCareerPlan activity you selected with your Academic Advisor.
- Visit the Center for Career Opportunities career development web page.
- Schedule a Career/Major Exploration appointment to talk with a Career Services Consultant in the Center for Career Opportunities. Appointments are scheduled via the BoilerConnect platform.