Get Started

What’s your goal?

Knowing what you are looking for is sometimes hard. We hear from students who know they want and need to find a job but don’t know what they want to do. What are your skills, values, motivations, personal interests? What do you want out of a career? Check out the Career Decision Making Model for more guidance with this step.

What’s your timeline? Create an Action Plan

Research typical recruiting schedules for different industries. The average job or internship search takes 3-5 months. Things to consider when you create an action plan:

  • Assemble a list of target companies that match your interests, skills and values.
  • Research each organization and the available career opportunities.
  • Set, track and meet short-term goals, urgent deadlines and small milestones.

CCO will help you along the way. Set up an appointment to meet with us to discuss job search strategies.

Career Research Portal

An online comprehensive career resource that includes numerous Purdue-subscribed databases supporting students’ employer research efforts. Click on the button below to go to the Career Research Portal page also depicted below:

Career Research Portal

Career Portal

Tap Into Your Network

  • Conduct informational interviews  with various contacts and companies in order to gain insight into your field’s job search process
  • Join professional associations and alumni clubs, and maintain regular contact with those you meet.
  • Utilize LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your area of interest.Ask your network for leads or advice.
  • Talk to you advisor and professors about possible opportunities.

Want more advice?

View a CareerSpots video